Why are some cards missing from my search results or grid?

If you're not seeing all your saved cards in your search, don't worry. Cards won't disappear or get randomly deleted from your mind.

mymind displays 5,000 cards by default on infinite scroll. That means you'll see up to 5,000 items in your search results or when browsing your mind. The rest appears dynamically as you search for different keywords/terms.

If many cards are missing, it may be you have an especially large mind. If we were to show all results beyond 5,000 cards, your browser would crash. Limiting results saves your browser the headache.

If a few random cards don't show up as expected in a search, that's likely due to your search terms and the algorithm behind mymind deeming those cards irrelevant to the search.

If you're experiencing a different issue or have questions about this, send an email with the details (including your browser or app version) to help@mymind.com and we'll figure it out.

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