How mymind works

mymind is a private bookmarking tool powered by artificial intelligence. 

Save anything – products, notes, highlights, quotes, websites, articles, images, videos – and mymind will automatically organize and categorize it for you. Smart bookmarking means everything you save is instantly categorized and visualized according to the type of media it is. Even better, artificial intelligence tags it for you, so you can search for anything you remember (a keyword, a color, a topic, etc) and find it instantly. No folders, no collections, no wasted time organizing.
It works like your real mind. One stream of consciousness. To find something, just search for it, a color, an object or a word that helps you remember what you are looking for — It’s like magic. 
Even better, it's completely private.  No social feeds, no ads, no distracting features. Everything you save is for your eyes only. 
It's a reading app, storage tool, research tool and database, note app, todo tool, book library, moodboard tool, color app, product wishlist, study tool and more, all in one. It's truly your second brain, where your real mind can overflow.

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