Searching by timeframe, day or date in mymind
Find anything you've saved using by simply typing in the date, using natural language. You can search by month, year, day, date or date ranges without clunky date pickers, dropdowns and filters. It's an effortless, playful way to journey through your mind.
Search for anything using natural language, like:
- Last month
- This year
- August
- Yesterday
- Last week
- Two days ago
- December 2022
- April 1, 2023
You’ll know it’s a Time Travel search based on the colorful label in the search bar.
Time search also works in combination with Deep Searches
Add your timeframe, hit enter and add a specific keyword or type or narrow down your time search.
For example, you can search last week, hit enter and add notes.

Or search August and hit enter, then add images. You’ll see all the photos you’ve saved to your mind during that time.

Go ahead, play around with time and see what you find.