Does mymind support video uploads?

Yes! If you're a Mastermind member, you can save videos up to 500mb in size directly to your mind.

Save reference clips, animations or other visual inspiration like you would any file – drag & drop it from your desktop into mymind. We designed the video player to be clean and minimalistic, so your videos play beautifully without distraction.

Anyone on any plan can save videos from external platforms like Vimeo or YouTube to their mind. Just click the + button on the video page in your browser and it will be saved to your mind, where you can find and watch it later.

Troubleshooting: Why is my saved video showing the incorrect thumbnail?

Some social networks, including Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, are getting more aggressive about encrypting their videos. This unfortunately means that you may sometimes be blocked from saving videos correctly from these sites, resulting in a blank thumbnail or video screenshot in your mind. We will not circumvent these protections, as it's in violation of DMCA anti-circumvention laws. However, even if the video appears in your mind with the incorrect thumbnail, the link should still be saved correctly within the card. Just click the link to view the video externally at its original source.

Any videos uploaded directly to your mind via the Mastermind plan are not affected by this issue.

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